1. Engineers and planners must build new cities and new kinds of transportation.

2. We had to overcome all kinds of obstacles and difficulties.

3. When surveyors ask U.S. female high-school students what they are going to do when they graduate, they list all kinds of roles they want to fill, like doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, civil servants, police and firemen, and fighter pilots.

4. There are many different kinds of shrub.

5. The Port of London is filled with vessels of all kinds.

6. There are many kinds of wood growing in this forest.

7. Late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbours, vehicles of all kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet villages, planes and helicopters flying overhead,

8. There are different kinds of rock.

9. Talk to your parents. Think about the kinds of pressures they might be putting on you.

10. He turned them into other kinds of objects.
